59. Look Younger And Live Longer

Do you want to know the secret to looking younger and living longer?

Male or female, regardless of your age...I know the secret and I’m going to share it with you.

And actually, the secret is not a secret at all. It’s common sense that these two things I’m going to share with you will help you to live a longer and more youthful life...

58. Creating A Morning Routine

Let’s start the year off by talking about your morning routine.

First of all, do you have one?

Next, what does it look like?

One of my dear friends, also one of my chick chat co-hosts (chick chat is my other passion project with two phenomenal entrepreneurs- check us out on YouTube!) Anyways, Jessica is her name and she’s the owner of the Kind Group (she helped me create this podcast and website!!) and like most entrepreneurs she loves her job. And I can’t recall exactly what inspired her to reach out to me about this, but we booked a call and talked about how she could reclaim some of her “me” time. And one of the questions I asked her was to describe her morning routine. And what she told me didn’t surprise me at all...

57. Feel Peace This Holiday Season

Well, it’s that magical time of year again.  At least I hope you’re able to view it the same way.  I love Christmas. If it were up to me we’d start celebrating mid November. But my partner Deryk says our tree would be dead by Christmas Day. So, instead, we always wait until the first Saturday in December and we go to a farm just 10 minutes from us and we pick out our tree. This has become a family tradition for us. We get the tree, Santa and Mrs Claus are in the barn for visiting and photos with no line ups, (I refuse to do the shopping mall Santa’s) and there’s a cute little shop where I pick up local blueberry honey and fresh apple cider.  This has become one of my favourite family traditions and I love to watch the smiles on my children’s faces. To me this is where the Christmas magic really is.

So, I recently shot our Christmas episode for chick chat sessions, which is my other passion project, with two phenomenal women entrepreneurs where we discuss important and relatable topics on a YouTube channel and I was surprised to find out that Christmas is stressful for both of them. And they basically told me that it’s more common for people to free stressed over the holidays than to feel happy.

One thing that I shared on that episode and something that I really want to share with you is...

56. Attract More Money

So today I came home to a clean house. And it felt amazing. And I didn’t have to lift a finger because I hired a bi-weekly cleaning lady. And I am so excited. This marks a very special time for my family since less than a year ago we were certainly not in a position to have this privilege. I am so grateful for the financial security. It’s feels so good. And to have this consistent help is going to be such a relief.

Lisa and I are going to work together to keep my home looking fantastic. And since I’m big into Feng Shui, some of you may not know, this is one of the things that I needed help with...

55. Receive With Love

I had a conversation with a coworker recently about Christmas and how she loves to give but not receive. And I know how she feels! It took me a long time to learn to receive...not just gifts but acts of service as well. That was a big one!! In fact I did a podcast last year around this same time of year and I shared about a time when I was pushing a grocery cart and pulling along a stroller at the same time and someone offered to help me and I declined. I clearly needed the help and why I was so reluctant to accept it really came down to me realizing and valuing my self worth. Which was not something I was ready to learn at that time. I’m a work in progress. We all are. Heck we’re not meant to be perfect. But we’re here to learn and grow. And I feel lucky to have since learned how to receive.

And so I wanted to remind everyone listening that opening up to receiving allows us to receive all of the abundance the universe has to offer...

54. Listen To Your Body

About 6 years ago I can remember being in my shower and hearing the word coffee. I was asking my body to tell me what was affecting my skin since I had out of nowhere it seemed acquired eczema. My palms were itchy and sore as well as the back of my neck and I felt out of control and I scratched and irritated my skin to the point of bleeding. Not a pretty picture I know.

And when I heard the word coffee, I dismissed it...

53. Reasons To Live

So, I’ve been a part of the Goodlife gym since I was 19. I was lucky to learn at a young age that exercise was an important part of life and that making time for it every day was essential to feeling good about my body, kept me feeling confident and most importantly kept me in a positive mind space.

And while I’m definitely an advocate for the gym, I’m not saying you need a gym membership to be happy, that’s just what works for me...especially now with children. The gym daycare gives me two hours to myself 5-6 mornings a week and you cannot put a price on that. What I’m saying is that moving your body, moving our bodies is super important and can contribute to how happy we feel.  And that part is science.


52. ZEN Rules

Zen Rules

1.  Trust where you are. It’s happening this way for a reason.

2. Believe in love.

3. Believe in yourself and what you stand for.

4. Choose kindness. Everyone deserves to be met without judgement.

5. Visualize often. See your dreams come true in your mind and then head in that direction.

6. Give gratitude daily. There is always something in your life to be grateful for.

7. Surround yourself with the things and people you love. Look to them for inspiration often.

8. Learn to let go. If you don’t love it, donate it to someone who will.

9. Give often. What you give comes back.  This is one of the simplest ways to live in abundance.


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51. Creating A More Balanced Life

How are you? How was your week? What is one amazing thing that happened to you? I’m sure you can name at least one.  And I hope you can name 11 or more!  

Things are going well in my world. We’re still dealing with the sleep situation and the realization that bedtimes still need to be shifted so that my youngest, she’s 2 1/2 can sleep past 4am. While at times I felt tired and impatient, I have had a great week. Because what I’m choosing to focus on is not how tired I am but how much time I get to spend with my children.

I walked home from school drop off with a neighbour friend the other day and she described her morning routine which included spending 5 minutes waking her daughter and then rushing out the door stressed... www.1010zen.com/51

50. Choose Gratitude

Let’s talk about gratitude.

To me this means recognizing all of the beautiful things and people that I have in my life and spending my time and thoughts focused on abundance verses lack. I know how this makes me feel and I love how it makes me feel! I also know this is a way to attract more beautiful things into my life.  What we give our energy to grows. The law of attraction.  I’m a big fan for a reason. I’ve attracted some really cool things into my life. And for all of it, I’m so grateful.

Practicing Gratitude is a habit that I introduced years ago and has made a huge impact on my life.

When we’re grateful for what we have and can openly express our gratitude for others and to others our perspective can change, our expectations can change and our lives can truly be more fulfilling.

Giving gratitude for all of the beautiful things in my life is easy for me and the sound track in my brain can easily recognize an unhealthy thought and shift to gratitude but it certainly wasn’t always this way...