55. Receive With Love

I had a conversation with a coworker recently about Christmas and how she loves to give but not receive. And I know how she feels! It took me a long time to learn to receive...not just gifts but acts of service as well. That was a big one!! In fact I did a podcast last year around this same time of year and I shared about a time when I was pushing a grocery cart and pulling along a stroller at the same time and someone offered to help me and I declined. I clearly needed the help and why I was so reluctant to accept it really came down to me realizing and valuing my self worth. Which was not something I was ready to learn at that time. I’m a work in progress. We all are. Heck we’re not meant to be perfect. But we’re here to learn and grow. And I feel lucky to have since learned how to receive.

And so I wanted to remind everyone listening that opening up to receiving allows us to receive all of the abundance the universe has to offer...