Mindful Mornings
What does it mean to have a mindful morning?
Let me ask you this…
How long does it take you to pick up your phone to check emails or to see what’s happening on social media?
Did you answer within the first 10 minutes?
I’m not here to judge, but if your answer was yes, then we do need to talk.
Having a mindful morning is about waking up and giving time to yourself and time to your family. It’s about setting your intention for the day and being present with those around you.
If you’re waking up and jumping into technology, you’re basically giving yourself away. You deserve to take time for yourself.
I know personally I could easily dive into my technology straight away. Especially Instagram. But I made a deal with myself long ago to keep my phone down for as long as I could so that I could give everything I could to my little girls who need me to be present.
Even though we’re amazing at multi-tasking, this is one area I want to ask you to be more mindful of.
Most mornings I don’t send any text messages or emails until after I’ve dropped my 6 year old off at school and my 3 year old off at the gym daycare. That’s when I get “me time” to indulge.
We have to be especially mindful about the example we’re setting for children. I feel sad when I see kids talking to their parents who are distracted on their phones. Kids need eye contact and they deserve our attention. And I know personally my girls are way better behaved when they get my undivided attention and energy.
AND, the reality is, you can actually live with more peace when your mornings are more mindful. This is such a beautiful time of day and when you give yourself time, you’ll be able to fully enjoy it.
Good luck!
Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.
Sandy xo