I'm Sorry

I’ve been thinking of saying this for a really long time now.

A few months back I got lost in the idea that sometimes our children can be assholes.

I had friends who used this word in reference to their children…and I’ll be honest, it was even kind of fun to say.

I feel TERRIBLE for ever saying those words and even saying them now.

Then a friend tagged me in a post on social media a month ago (unrelated) BUT scrolling through the page, The Nourished Village, I came across an article that changed the way I think. And it’s been on my mind off and on since then.

So it’s time to come clean.

I don’t think children are assholes. And I’m sorry I ever said so.

I think they are beautiful creatures who sometimes have the capacity to drain our energy. I think they can sometimes be tricky and I think they can be needy at times, but how wonderful to be so needed. Right?

Another friend shared an article pertaining to the science behind our toddlers. Honestly, this was another aha moment for me and a must-read if you would like to understand your little one a little better. Trust me. it’ll help you with your patience.

From Happy You Happy Family…How to Be A Toddler Whisperer: 7 Things Your Toddler Wishes You Knew

It’s all about perspective. We are not victims. We are simply parents. These young years don’t last long - so let’s live in them whole-heartedly while we can. With patience and love for both our children and ourselves.

I wouldn’t change motherhood for the world. I’m so in love with my girls. Especially after spending this past week snuggling both of them in sickness. I wish deeply that I could make them well again with a simple kiss. They fill my whole heart.

Oh, and so I deleted my podcast called The Struggles Of Parenting Are Real and I re-worded my blog post CLICK HERE TO READ to use the word “tricky” instead. It’s a pretty honest look at parenting and I’m happy to say that after 6 months of waking up at 4am with my girls, they have finally started sleeping in until 5:30am. When I learned to treat 4am like it was no big deal, and moved dinner an hour, it all shifted. Hooray!!

So, I hope you won’t judge me for using that negative word. I hope instead you’ll respect me for making it right.

Cheers to mamas everywhere and thanks for listening ;)

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo