The Struggles Of Parenting Are Real
I honestly had no idea that parenting could be this exhausting. These little humans ask sooo many questions and they ask the same question like 4 times and they constantly do things that we ask them not to. And the way they speak to us? I’m constantly redirecting the conversation with my girls.
Here’s a conversation I had with my three year old daughter Quinn, just the other day when I gave her an apple with her breakfast.
“You left the skin on here!”
“Oh, you have some skin you’d like removed? Remember to use your manners when asking mommy.”
It was the smallest piece of skin on one slice of apple and she freaked out. To her it was such a big deal.
So on a good day when I’ve had a bit more sleep that usual, I can respond gently and redirect the conversation, instead of reacting.
But on another morning the same week I was so exhausted that I actually fell to the kitchen floor bawling. My body was in physical pain and my stress level was high.
My girls are wide awake to start their day most days around 4am and sometimes even earlier.
So I started talking to friends and realized I am not the only one going through a tricky time.
Here’s a story from my girlfriend Jennifer…
“I’ve peed three times since I got up. Every single one of those pees, without fail, someone bellows, “Muuuum!/Jennie!/Babe!” from another room of this house.
Are they messing with me? Do they get jealous of the loo when I abandon them for it? Do penises come with some sort of “quick, she needs 3 minutes alone so let’s stage a coup and create a disaster because NO WAY YOU GET THREE MINUTES, WOMAN!” antenna in them?
Honestly. Help me understand, my people. Because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME and I haven’t peed without rolling my eyes since 2009.”
Jenn, I feel your pain!! Living with 4 boys must be so hard at times!! Please know that you’re doing amazing.
Here’s another story from my friend Kristi.
“After a long day of tantrums, vomit, spit up, whining, crying, non stop nursing and some crazy fluke with toilet water I packed us all up to go shake off the dust at the park. 3 minutes later we got rear ended. Hard. Kids are ok! I am ok! My tailgate and fender are not okay, but that’s easily fixable.
Oddly enough I think this knocked the shitty attitude out of all of us. We just got done chanting “bad day won’t ruin my day - no way!” But I’m gonna need more than a cookie before this day is over. Beer me.”
Kristi, 3 kids under 5 years is a challenge!! Heck one kid can be a challenge. You’re also doing amazing.
Okay. So, the struggles of parenting are real.
I am not alone and you are not alone. We are not the only ones going through a shitty time with our children. I think everyone needs to know that sometimes kids can be tricky. I love my girls more than anything in the universe but sometimes they can be a lot.
And we are doing a damn good job. I know sometimes you might not feel that least I feel that way from time to time. But when you’re chronically sleep deprived, which let’s face it, if you’re a parent you probably are, then you need to give yourself a break. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
Be patient.
And if you have to scream or cry, do it. Then pick yourself up as soon as you can and find some support. Ask for help if you need it. Find a way to feed your soul. And get back to putting yourself number one. Because when you put yourself first, you’ll find the strength and energy you need to take care of your family.
With gratitude, peace and love,
Sandy xo