Making Space

This has been a really big week of cleansing and letting go for my family. It’s especially important this time of year as we start to receive gifts. We let go of the things we’re not using and the things that we don’t love anymore. I love teaching this habit to my girls. We’re grateful for the time we had and agree it’s time for that item to bring someone else joy.

So far we’ve done two trips to the Salvation Army, but I’m not done yet. I still have baby things around and it’s time to pass them on! (Done at baby number 2!) I love that I can back my car up to the back door AND someone even comes to help me unload!! It’s brilliant. And it’s instantaneous. And I can immediately feel it. All while the kids stay buckled in the car.


It’s a component of Feng Shui and something that I’ve been practising for years.

And then enter kids. 

Sooo many toys. 

Sooo many crafts.

Sooo many clothes. 

Soooo many hand-me-downs. 

I have so much gratitude for everything that we received over the years.

I was essecially blown away by the kindness shown when I was pregnant with my first daughter, Reese.

People who were acquaintances gave gifts, sometimes even strangers. I received a gift once that was from a neighbour of someone at my shower. That neighbour just loved to give a homemade blanket whenever she heard of a new baby being born. How amazing it that?!

But with this outpouring of love became clutter.

It was SO important to the Feng Shui of my home and truly for my mental sanity to create a system of letting go. It’s not super strict and planned but when my day off comes on Monday every week I get excited. Like really excited.

What can I let go of today? What can I donate and what can I throw out? AND what can I organize?! (In Feng Shui, everything has a place.)

Now here’s something else letting go can do.

I am in the process of manifesting a home.

...with a forest in the backyard and an office where I can meet clients for soul sessions and energy healing. And the kitchen is incredible. I’ve never lived in a million dollar home before but it looks really good on me. And I deserve it. Every morning my girls and I put on our rain boots and head out with our dog Pax into the forest. And then I love the mud room almost the most. It has a floor shower for our dog and we use it daily. 

See where I’m going with this?

By making this process of letting go a weekly practise and a priority in my life I’m telling the universe loud and clear that I’ve just moved into my dream home.  I pretend that I’m in my new home unpacking in my mind. I’m visualizing what I want to watch unfold and it’s certainly not one of clutter and fear. I don’t know the how’s yet and that’s okay!! By making space in my life for new things I allow this possibility to happen.  (What you see in your mind, you can hold in your hands!!)


So now it’s your turn. And if you have kids get your kids involved!!  I ask my kids which toys they want to donate and I love how they give so freely. They don’t have an attachment to most things and that comes from my example of giving.

And when you give you actually attract more!! That’s the law of attraction at work!!

This is really a win win and a system you need in your life. :)

Message me if you need help figuring some stuff out ;)

Making spirits bright,

Sandy xo