Creating Peace From Chaos

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been listening to Christmas music in my car since November 8th, the day after my birthday.

AND I’ve been Christmas shopping since August…for the first time in my life!

And you know what?

I feel a peace with Christmas in a way I’ve never felt before.

On the weekend at the restaurant I work at, I even had a lovely conversation with a couple who were planning to put their tree up the very next day. (They have an artificial tree, so they can do this easily enough.) They said they’re going on a vacation and are having a holiday party when they get back. So it was either put it up now or not have a tree at their party.

I love to see this. I commented how nice it is to make the time for these things!!

Christmas can actually be peaceful and enjoyable if we’re planning properly and making the time.

I know it’s a stressful time of year for a lot of people. I know families can be too much and there’re a lot of unnecessary focus on monetary gifts.

But you can choose to think differently about Christmas this year.

Here are a few ideas to help…

Shop from the heart and not from a place of obligation. Stop giving gifts because you feel obligated to!! We all have enough stuff.

Plan early. Make room in your schedule for all the things you want to do, including organizing photos if you’re making personal calendars, or time for baking. What can you prepare early? What can you freeze? What can you outsource? If you have kids, what can they help you with?

Get Flipp. It’s an incredible app for price matching. Search anything and if it’s on sale, you’ll find it. Saving money feels good!

Shop early. I started in August this year, but it’s not too late to get a head start!! Instead of a $1000 bill after the holidays, I spent it gradually and didn’t feel the impact at all!! I have just a few things left to buy to pull it all together and it feels great!!

Think happy thoughts about your family. We may not all always get along, but there’s still something that we can learn from every conversation. Try going in with that mindset and you’ll easily have more fun.

Think abundance and not lack. It’s so easy to get caught up in the “too expensive” or “I don’t have any/enough money” game. Remember to choose from the heart and even if you can’t afford something, say “I choose not to spend my money on this.” This will help you to stay in a positive mind space surrounding money.

Breathe. Read. Meditate. Go for a hike. All of these things will help you stay present and in the moment.

Make time for you and the things you love. It’s not selfish, it’s self-love! Get a holiday pedicure or a massage. You deserve it.

Alright. I hope this helps you find a bit more peace in what can certainly be a time of chaos.

Making spirits bright,

Sandy xo