Looking For Inspiration
Hi! How are you?
So, I’ve recently made some changes to my diet. And because of those changes we’ve been doing a lot of ordering in...which is pretty uncharacteristic for us. But I haven’t been feeling very inspired to cook lately.
I found out things I believed to be healthy weren’t always healthy - and that left me feeling like I didn’t really know what to make anymore.
Plus with two kids you always have to consider what they eat! Plus I went from being gluten and dairy free to practicing balance with food. Which is not restricting anything but also not obsessively eating everything.
If you’ve listened to past podcasts you may remember my story about going for a drive and eating a whole bag of Oreo cookies as soon as I found out they were dairy free. It’s like I couldn’t control myself. So what I am learning is to eat more of the good stuff AND that quality matters. So go organic if you can. But enjoy treats once in a while.
Just don’t have ALL the cookies.
Find a number that works and know that you’ll have them again in your lifetime. I think that’s why I over indulged. I told myself I would never do it again. But I did. It’s been a pattern my whole life.
I’ve always been all or nothing.
Now I want to enjoy a little.
I don’t want to promise myself I’ll never have "them" again and eat the whole bag justifying this to myself. But this is a process and I also know that if it happens again and I do eat all the cookies, that's okay too. It’s part of the process.
We’re learning. And this is part of our story. I recall reading an article a few months back that said you’ll actually gain weight if you’re indulging and feeling guilty. Take the guilt out. Enjoy the treat.
So, balance with eating has been a major focus for me. I have to be mindful and practice it every day but I’m working to create healthier habits surrounding eating - both for myself and to teach my children that we'll always have more than enough.
Anyways so something I’m really excited about is this new food company called Hello Fresh which I’ve just signed up for. (Actually I don't know how new they are, but I JUST received a flyer in the mail). Tomorrow will be my first delivery and I’ll get the required ingredients to cook 3 meals that I chose for the week that will take less than 30 minutes each. So why this is so exciting is mostly because now I don’t have to meal plan which I’ve never been very good at!! And I really love that it’s not 7 meals for the week. I feel like 3 is something I can easily commit to and that we’ll have leftovers for other nights, and well I guess I’ll have to see how it goes.
I just know that what I'm currently doing isn't working. And I knew I needed to feel inspired again and I feel like the flyer came as an answer - and I needed that. So I’ll let you know how that goes.
I believe that when things aren't working sometimes we just need a little shift, a little change to feel inspired again. And I'm really looking forward to being inspired again in the kitchen.
What are you cooking these days?! Send me any ideas for healthy meals your kids love! I'd be so grateful!!
Sandy xo