A Playful Approach

One of the things that I do when things feel uncertain in my life or I don’t feel in alignment or I feel things are hard and out of my control, is I do a card reading. 

I have a deck of angel tarot cards by Doreen Virtue that I’ve been using for about 10 years now and I absolutely love them. They provide me with insight, guidance, and answers and the reading that I did this morning was especially helpful. 

For the past few months I’ve been dealing with a 4am riser. My youngest daughter, Quinn wakes up way too early and I try really hard to be in a positive spirit about it but sometimes I hear myself saying out loud how ridiculous it is. And today was one of those mornings. 

The way that I read my cards may be different than if you go to a psychic reading. I always start by clearing the deck, which means I’ll hold them in my non dominant hand, so that’s my left. This is the hand that receives energy. And then I form a fist with my right hand, the one that sends energy and I knock on the cards once. This clears the deck of any old energy. Then I ask a question. This morning in particular I asked how to handle the situation with my daughter. So I’ll shuffle my cards until 3 cards jump out at me. And it’s funny how obvious they are. Sometimes they come flying out of the deck and flip right over. 

Now there are times I’ll have additional questions that I’m not always aware of until I read my cards. This morning that was the case, 2 of the cards pertained to my career as I have a new project that is almost ready to be announced. So the messages came through very clear for that. 

The card that was helpful with my daughters situation however, told me to consider a more playful approach and to lighten up.  

So I know that it’s important for me to be in a more positive mind space about my early mornings. I know this is just a phase that won’t last forever and I also know that if I’m being more playful or easy going about it, then I’m also not attracting  any negative energy. Which is certainly not helping anything. 

That’s I think one of the hardest things to deal with. Perhaps you can relate. If you’re tired, it’s tricky to go on with your day without telling everyone you see how exhausted you are. So it’s hard to get out of it when you’re in it. And in the same breath, when I ignore the reality and pretend like everything is okay, I find this isn’t helpful either. 

So, I know I just have to go through it as positively as I can. I always send Quinn back to her bed to read, but I find that I lye in bed awake, never fully getting back to sleep. So instead of getting frustrated with her, I’ll work on focusing on all of the things that I’m grateful for, one of them being sleep and I know when the time is right, I’ll begin to attract more sleep into our lives. 

Remember what we give our attention and energy to grows. So focus on what we want to manifest instead of what we don’t want and trust the process in the meantime. 

Oh!  If you’re curious about the angel tarot cards I mentioned, I bought mine from Indigo online. There are lots of different decks out there. I find this one to be gentle and very positive and again, super helpful. 

Have a beautiful day!

Sandy xo