Laundry Magic

Something magical has happened in my life and I can’t wait to share it.

It’s been a long time coming but guess what?!

We have a NEW laundry system!

And it works!!

In November 2016, I did a podcast called Happiness Instead Of Overwhelm where I shared my story of too much laundry and a few tricks that I learned to keep organized. (We can easily get overwhelmed by our stuff!)

I learned the reality, that there will always be laundry, and I decided that instead of letting it get to me, I would instead smile and learn to love it.

And I did.

It really worked.

And that’s the magic of positive thinking.

Over the years of feeling happiness around laundry, we’ve evolved!

I realized that for me, washing one load of laundry and putting it away before starting a second load is the perfect solution. It works for me! I discoverd and shared this tip almost a year ago now and it’s still working! (Listen Here…Sorted)

But then Deryk decided to start doing the majority of the laundry on Sundays while I’m at work (even better!!). And so he created his own laundry system that is working like magic for the whole family.

After washing and folding, all of the clothes get sorted into 4 piles on our bed. One for each person. And these pile stay on our bed until bedtime on Sundays when we all head upstairs to read together.

Everyone, including my 3 year old, is responsible for their own clothes. The kids will take their pile to their bedrooms and break them down into 4 more piles. One for pj’s, one for tops, one for bottoms and the last for socks and underwear. They have a drawer dedicated to each.

And then it’s not so overwhelming and everything gets put away in less than 5 minutes. It’s brilliant.

What’s especially brilliant is that we’ve taught a laundry system to our girls that will forever work moving forward. (Well, I guess as long as we’re doing bedtime stories together and laundry on Sunday’s!)

While the timing and details might change, I feel confident that my girls will be able to use this learned skill moving forward.

When we take the time to teach our children, even though sometimes that’s the harder route (it would be so much easier to just do it all myself!) we’ll benefit in the long run.

Plus the universe wants each and every one of us to succeed! I promise your time in teaching will pay off!

Happy folding!

Sandy xo