Words Of Wisdom

When things happen that we can’t make sense of….

When we’re asking questions and the answer is nowhere in sight…

When we feel left out or confused (fyi, these are low vibration feelings)…

it’s time to take a step back.

I’ve been saying this mantra out loud to myself for a while now, “I let go of all that no longer serves me, and I trust whatever is meant to be in my life, will stay.”

But I haven’t been very content with that outcome. There’s one friendship that meant the world to me that ended about 2 months ago now that I’ve had a reeealllly hard time letting go of.

But I know and believe that sometimes, things happen for a reason that we can’t explain.

And so, I’ve created this list, Words of Wisdom, to remind myself of some important things.

Following this list will help me shift to a higher vibration and peacefully let go of the past.

Perhaps these words will resonate with you, too.

Stop looking.

Stop forcing.

Start trusting.

Take a step back.



Live in the moment.

Be free.





I choose to put my energy and focus on the positive things that are going on in my life. Focusing on the friendships instead that continue to fill my heart. New friends have emerged as old relationships have faded and I trust these relationships are in my life for a reason.

Also, reaching a place of creation, anticipation and appreciation brings you back to knowing that today is a day of opportunity. It puts you in a space where magic can happen…and now you’re vibrating at a higher frequency. Good things happen when you’re vibrating this way.

If you`re going through something challenging, please know that you’re not alone. Please also know that we can’t force the outcome that is our life. But we can take responsibility for how we feel. We don`t have to stay in a place of confusion. We can be in a place of trust and appreciation for all we do have. And continue to focus on that. Give our energy to positivity and choose to grow and attract wonderful new things to our life.

Thanks for your time.


Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha