
I’ve just been on holidays for two weeks, (a staycation, which was sooo lovely) and I’m definitely in a place of reflection.

The restaurant that I work at had an autumn closure, (aka a Moroccan retreat where they taught about nutrition and yoga) and so I enjoyed time off during my favourite season. 

One mistake that I made that I won’t do again, is I took time off from my healthy routine. Instead of 3-4 days a week at the gym, I went once in total. Instead of salads and salmon, I indulged in Indian cuisine and the carb heaven that comes with it…plus more ice cream in 2 weeks than I ate all summer! And while it sounds harmless and maybe you’re even thinking that over indulgence is expected on vacation, my break from routine in the end, didn’t make me feel very good.  My body feels sore and even run down and I’ve spent most of my time feeling off.  In the end I trust it. I trust I was meant to enjoy my time off exactly as I did. But what it taught me was more valuable.

Our bodies are meant to move. And what we feed our bodies has a direct impact on how we feel. So, I know personally, the next time I have time off, while I might choose to indulge a little, I know now the importance of keeping my fitness routine.

And if YOU still need help loving exercise, start with 10 minutes of moving before 10am, three days a week. Walking…yoga…anything that resonates with you. Pay attention to how it makes you feel. When you recognize how incredible it feels…when you’re ready to think differently about exercise and see the immense value, you’ll be more likely to make it a part of your routine.


Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

”What we think, we become." -Buddha