Take Care Of The Things You Value
A couple of weeks ago my running shoes were stolen from the gym.
Now, coming from a place of trusting that everything happens for a reason, I never actually got angry. It was the second time that week I had left them overnight and I felt so lucky the first time that they were still there and the second time it happened I thought really, I should’ve known. I guess I like to trust that everyone is honest and that’s not always the case. I like to think that the person who took them needed them more than I do.
And really, I believe it was the universe telling me to get a new solid pair of shoes on my feet.
They were amazing, they were Merrells, but they were also going on 5 years old. Which is an absolute no no. Through the long process of finding a replacement, I learned that you’re supposed to replace your running shoes every 6 months to a year. That sounds crazy to me!! I loved my shoes but it was definitely time for a new pair.
Also through the long process of finding a replacement, (it actually took me three trips out and finally the last one without my three year old to find a pair!) I realized that I need to be more mindful about taking care of my things. I recall tossing them under the bench to grab after I changed. Now I carefully put them into the locker.
Even though I believe in abundance and know that I’ll always have enough and everything that I need, I also realize that I need to slow down and take care of what I have.
I also left my water bottle the week after, it’s a S'well and they’re expensive and I half expected it to be gone too. But luckily it was saved for me by the staff at Goodlife. I had a conversation with Nicole, one of the advisors, my favourite advisor, also a mom of two and I asked “how does this even happen? Why can’t I remember my shit?” And she reminded me of all the stuff we’ve got going on as moms. And I know she’s right. We do have a lot on our plates.
Whether you’re a parent or not. Maybe you’re living the single life. We all have a lot on our plates.
It’s about finding a comfortable balance and about being more mindful. And even being more grateful for the things that we have. I didn’t realize it would be such a process getting new shoes.
So let’s all remember to take care of the things we value and if we lose them or they get taken from us, trust that our time with them was done. It’s someone else’s turn to bring love to what once belonged to us and our turn to make space to enjoy something new.
Sandy xo