Positive Affirmations Can Transform Your Life
Positive affirmations are positive statements that we can say to ourselves to help us feel connected. They uplift and empower us and they can eventually replace most of the negative thoughts that run through our brains, if we say them enough.
And they are SUCH an important part of my life. I highly recommend you consider adding this life changing practice to your life, also.
The first step, is to make the time intentionally.
And then, you simply say positive things to yourself.
Let me share how I’ve integrated positive affirmations into my life.
Every morning I come down stairs to light nag champa incense in front of my Buddha. It’s my favourite smell and I breathe it in deep.
Then I move over to my affirmation board hanging on the wall, this is a wooden sign that I created as a tool, (FOR YOU ACTUALLY!!) and I read the positive affirmations aloud.
I am patient
I am happy
I am healthy
I am grateful
I am loved
As I read each one, I breathe in deep and I visualize myself being patient, happy, and healthy. I smile and I feel gratitude for all that I have and for feeling loved.
Now the really cool thing about saying positive affirmations is that you might not feel patient right now, or you might not feel happy right now, or maybe something is going on with your health or you’re having a hard time finding love or feeling grateful at all…BUT THAT DOESN’T MATTER. Positive affirmations when you take the time to relate, resonate and believe them, can truly transform your life. I know because I’ve had an affirmation practice for as long as I can remember. It’s been definitely over 10 years. And I feel so grateful every day for everything that I’ve created in my life.
Sometimes I go beyond the words on my affirmation board and I’ll speak a series of positive affirmations while imagining that I’m a tree. This might be a little too hippie for you but trust me, it feels really good.
I feel the strength of my body as I stand solid and feel the ground beneath my feet...and I imagine my roots go for miles. Then I stretch my arms up and reach as high as I can and feel the expansive abundance of the universe in my branches. I focus on my breath and on belly breathing and on smiling and feeling happy and healthy.
I say…
I am beautiful.
I am kind.
I am smart.
I am strong.
I am enough.
All of these empowering thoughts then become what I focus my energy on and therefore what I attract.
This practice might seem a little intense for you but this is where my practice has led me. Positive affirmations are powerful. When you use them they work.
Now the best place to start is actually your shower. It’s something you do almost every day and an easy way to introduce this new practice to your life. This is how I started years ago and I actually created something I called ‘shower power’ to help. (I sound like such a nerd!!) It was a sign I had laminated so that I could just read through a list of positive affirmations without having to think about what to say.
Anyways you get the idea.
Positive affirmations are important. They can transform your life. So find a way to start a positive affirmation practice and you will literally start watching your dreams unfold.
And message me if you’d like my help getting you started with a morning practice that works for you - to help you find time for positive affirmations in your life. I’m happy to help.
Remember, you deserve to LIVE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE.
Much love,
Sandy xo