Creating A Morning Routine
Happy New Year!! Wow, it really is incredible to get back into my routine of recording. I definitely thrive in a routine however it was really good for me to take a few weeks off to enjoy the holidays. I lost my voice a couple of times, once in the fall and again in the winter, and I definitely learned the importance of having a humidifier on in my home and I just wanted to pass that on to you if you're experiencing a lot of dryness. So I even took a few extra days off from the gym to do some baking with my girls and to prepare some salads for all of the festivities we enjoyed. I love bringing something homemade with me to any gathering as I truly believe this is one of the ways I get to show my passion for healthy eating. AND, my heart. That sounds a little cheesy, but it's true. And this year I made sure to give myself enough time to prepare all of these things so that I wasn’t feeling rushed or stressed to get out the door and trust me, this felt amazing.
So speaking of routines, let’s start the year off by talking about your morning routine.
First of all, do you have one?
Next, what does it look like?
One of my dear friends, also one of my chick chat co-hosts (chick chat is my other passion project with two phenomenal entrepreneurs- check us out on YouTube!) Anyways, Jessica is her name and she owns the Kind Group (she helped me create this podcast and my website), and, like most entrepreneurs she loves her job. And I can’t recall exactly what inspired her to reach out to me about this, but we booked a call and talked about how she could reclaim some of her “me” time. And one of the questions I asked her was to describe her morning routine. And what she told me didn’t surprise me at all. She said when she gets up in the morning she dives straight into her email. And she eats her breakfast and drinks her coffee all while multitasking and getting back to clients.
Does this sound familiar? Is this what your morning is like?
Maybe it’s not work your getting into.
But do you reach for your phone the minute you wake up to see what’s going on in the world?
If you're reluctantly saying yes, please don’t feel bad about this!! Being aware is the first step to making a change. But honestly, it’s time to make a change. It’s time to take back your mornings and make them about you!!
YOU deserve to start the morning off peacefully. And trust me, diving into your technology no matter how excited you are to start your day will not lead you peace and balance. And I’ve been there! When I worked in the network marketing industry I was always so excited to get to work. I loved connecting with my team, with my upline and with current clients and potential clients. I was all strategy, all the time. I loved it! Until I realized that this didn’t work for me anymore. Having children was the biggest catalyst to making a change because I realized that my girls deserved to have my undivided attention and then I came to realize that I deserved to have quiet mornings wrapped up in snuggles instead of busy mornings wrapped up in chaos.
We all deserve to have quiet mornings, whether you have children or not, you deserve to give to you before you give to everyone else.
And this is what really resonated with Jessica. She learned to take 30 minutes just for herself before she gave her beautiful self away to work. She learned to unitask instead of multitask and this has given her tremendous joy.
And I promise you’ll find more joy too if you take some time for you before you dive into social media or emails.
But the reality is, you’ve likely created this bad habit and may dive in without even realizing what you’re doing. So what you need to do is to create a morning ritual that’s mindful.
The first step is to consciously leave your phone behind. Try giving yourself 30 minutes to an hour before you pick up your phone. Now with the extra time you’ll have, decide how you’d like to start your day. I like to start my mornings by lighting incense, listening to the spa channel, and saying positive affirmations out loud while stretching, in front of my girls. I want them to learn this beautiful morning habit too. Then they either play while I make a healthy breakfast or they sit on the counter and help me. And that's how we start our mornings.
Other ideas may be meditating. Or yoga. Getting some exercise. Drinking your coffee or tea while reading a magazine. Reading a self-help book, or listening to a podcast. Think about what’s important to you and make time for it in the morning. Set your intentions for the day. What do you want your day to look like? We have a lot more control than we often realize. And when you create this new habit, you’ll start to feel more in control of your day. You’ll feel more balance and more peace. I promise.
And, if you need some help with structuring your morning, be sure to reach out to me. Carving out me time is something I do very well and I’d love to help you create a morning routine that works for you!
Send me an email!
Good Luck! And have the BEST day ;)
Sandy xo