Let It Be

There is something to learn from every situation.

You may have heard me say this many times before. And I truly believe it. Things come up to teach us. And only when we’re truly ready for the message are we able to receive it.  And this week something came up for me again. A situation I thought was in the past. 

If you’ve been following my podcast, you might remember I mentioned a co-worker that I wasn’t getting along with months ago. It was a series of misunderstandings that kept us from connecting and I intentionally cleaned out my Tupperware drawer with the belief that when I finished cleaning and organizing it everything between us would be dropped. That clean drawer represented a peaceful bond.

And then when I went to work the next time I went with the belief that everything would be great. And guess what? Is was. Completely. I felt relief.  Like I could be myself again. And more than that. My brain was able to relax again and stop trying to figure out what was going on. 

And I think it’s been pretty magical since. And okay, magical might be too strong, but I admire this person and so I’m quite surprised that something had come again. 

When I came home from work on this night, Deryk asked how my night was and so I told him. I explained how I felt caught in the middle of something that actually had nothing to do with me. But it made me so upset to have my character misunderstood.  And when I get upset the waterworks start. 

But the reality is, and what I needed to learn perhaps is that I can choose to say no. Respectfully. I can choose not to partake in a conversation that leaves me feeling stuck in the middle. 

And I’m only responsible for my thoughts and my actions and my words. I can’t change someone’s mind up about me. And now I see that I’m done trying. I understand now just to let it be. It is what it is and all I can do is focus on what I know and believe in and I know I’m a good person.  

So there are a few things that I did before going back to work to create more calm for my heart and mind and more peace at my workplace. And I want to share these with you because you too might have a current situation that needs to be cleared up so you can move on to other things. And using one or all of these tools can help you. 

Before bed that night I did a meditation. Now if you’re new to meditation, know that there are so many different ways to meditate so there’s no reason to panic. Meditation doesn’t have to be done sitting quietly in a chair quieting every thought that comes to mind. Although I’ve done mindful meditations sitting in a chair, I’ve never actually done it in silence. My favourite way is to listen to a guided meditation. And you might be surprised how easy this is. In this particular situation I just searched the internet for a guided meditation for letting go. And then I went to bed. I listened to the soothing words and focused on my breathing until I fell asleep. Our subconscious is listening even when we’re asleep. So this is the easiest way to introduce meditation if you think you don’t have time. 

The next thing that I did was cut cords. We’re all comprised of energy and often other energies attach themselves to us. If you’re ever feeling weighed down, this is a good time for cutting cords. I simply envision giant scissors cutting through ribbons and I’ll say either in my head or out loud “please cut these cords and send them back to whomever they belong to with peace and love”.  This can be done daily or whenever you remember. 

And the last thing I did before walking back into work was to come up with three things that I want others to associate with me. So I chose reliable, peaceful and takes initiative. 

And doing all of this really helped me to get out of my head and back to staying present and in the moment both at work and at home. 

Letting go is imperative to living in the moment. Situations like this, if they’re not taken care of, can consume a lot of mental energy. And that’s not fair to you. You can’t control other people but you can control you. And I always choose peace and I always take care of my spiritual self ;)

Let me know if you try these tools and how they work for you! 

And have a beautiful day.

Sandy xo