Journey To The Heart

I received a book as a gift, that I am absolutely in love with.  "Journey To The Heart - Daily Meditations On The Path To Freeing Your Soul." By Melody Beattie.  If you do not have this book, please consider making this purchase.

Thank you Sjonum for such a personal and thoughtful gift. I really love it.

This book is about discovering who you are. It’s about finding peace and healing...about stepping into your power.  Who are you?

And,  what I especially love is the story about how the author received a message about how this book was to be written.  And she trusted it and packed within 2 days for the road trip of a lifetime, traveling to sacred healing places, spiritual places..all over the country. Absorbing the energy, letting it infuse her and leading her to create this book. She had no agenda, no plan, just a map and her instinct and intuition... and her faith that the universe was going to guide her exactly where she needed to go.  And that her journey would unfold exactly as it was meant to.

This book is especially incredible because for each day of the year there is a message. And the idea is to either read that paragraph for that day and apply it to what's currently going on in your life OR pick up the book, read any page and take away whatever lesson there is to be learned. Melody also suggests meditating first on what you need and then pick it up and keep reading until you find the message meant for you.  And you'll know what message that is.  It's the one that speaks to you.  The one that makes you go "Aha!".

Check out my podcast for today to hear the messages meant for us!  I truly believe that when we’re looking for answers or guidance, the universe knows how to speak to us and this is one of the ways we can receive the message.  When we're OPEN to RECEIVING ;)


Sandy xo