Living Simply
My life has changed drastically in the past two years. The family I wanted so bad fell apart and the job that I loved and couldn’t ever see myself leaving turned out to be “too good to be true”. But where I am now, is SO unexpectedly wonderful.
I help my boyfriend on his farm and whether we’re transplanting strawberries or planting microgreens or preparing nourishing food for the community, I’m in my element. (Come see us at the Burlington and Milton Farmers Markets!!). I’m surrounded by nature. I’m focused on growth, harmony, truth, love and community. What I thought my life would look like…what family should look like…is different than I pictured. BUT it’s so much better than I imagined.
And so what I’ve come to realize is that it’s time to move on from writing this blog. And it’s time to move on from social media. I want to dedicate my life and my time to living simply. With the focus on teaching my children. I want to live with more nature and less screen time.
It took me some time to come to this decision. It was both a quiet contemplation and a conversation with my boyfriend. It was recognizing that there are some really amazing people who have stepped up to help educate and elevate those who are searching for answers. And a knowing that my voice isn’t needed anymore. I used to feel a calling to share my strategies and positive perspective with others. And I did just that for nearly 5 years through podcasting, a talk show and blogging. The voice inside me was strong. And now? Now I know that the biggest way that I can make an impact in this world is to dial back. My children are online learning. And in order for us to have balance with that, I know that the answer is for me to come off of social media. I want to teach them how to navigate through this crazy life with as much patience, kindness and hope as possible. And I’m not disappearing! I still connect with many people I love through messenger, and will continue to do so. But that’s where it has to end.
For me it always comes back to this. Trusting the process. I believe that I’m exactly where I am meant to be. I pay close attention to how things make me feel, while being honest with myself along the way. I recognize when things no longer work and apply courage and confidence to make the hard decisions that lead to living a happier life.
Thank you for being a part of my journey. I’m grateful you took the time to read, watch or listen over the years. I hope somewhere along the way you heard me. You are amazing. And you deserve amazing things. So continue choosing to do what you love and know that you can thrive when others are falling apart. That’s what this world needs you to do!! That energy is needed right now.
So I’ll be over here living as simply as I can. Baking sourdough bread, planting flowers, journaling and feeding the chickens. Living mindfully and sustainably…loving every single minute and feeling immense gratitude for my whole new world.
May you continue to live with the peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love you deserve.
Sandy xo