Completely Capable
The story that triggered writing this occurred specifically the other morning, however, this is a fairly common morning for us. The dog is ringing the bell to go outside at the same time my kettle is boiling at the same time that my daughter is asking me a question from the other room. Oh and I had just put towels in the dryer. So a lot was going on at once. And sometimes in those moments I know we want to say things in our head like “fuck my life” or “Can I JUST make my coffee first?!” I usually say the latter, and we now have a ‘NO FRENCH TOAST BEFORE COFFEE’ rule in our house. I’ll save the details of that story, but you can imagine perhaps trying to teach an 8 year old to cook at 6am.
But today, instead, when it was all a little crazy, I said to myself, “I am capable”. And then I smiled. And then I even laughed a little out loud…at how incredibly capable I am at handling all the things! It was empowering. Feeling overwhelmed, I think, is a choice. And I don’t choose it. I choose happy.
Choose happy. When all the crazy things are going on around you, choose kind words to say yourself and to the people around you. Replace the first negative thought that comes up with a positive one. Maybe create a ‘go to’ statement for yourself so that when a negative thought or a limiting belief pops up, you have a plan. I am statements are powerful!!
I’m reminded of a podcast I recorded a few years ago. The link is no longer available or I would have loved to share it. Called ‘Happiness instead of Overwhelm’, it was about laundry and how we can actually be happy doing laundry if we choose to be. Simple tasks don’t need to be hassles when we work them into our lives. I found a system that worked and helped me stay on top. And that brought me joy.
There will always be a lot going on. There will always be obstacles to tackle. Life is just like that. But knowing we are capable is key. And reminding ourselves of this amidst the chaos is comforting.
So the next time you’re trying to balance all the things and you want to scream “Why me!?” try smiling or laughing instead. And then remind yourself that you are completely capable of handling it all.
Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.
Sandy xo