I’m starting this post from the Starbucks drive through as I wait for my almond milk caramel latte. What I have ordered in the past wasn’t always so simple. While I would drink a black coffee, I was adding the oat fudge bar (for sure) and sometimes even adding a second treat, the lemon poppyseed loaf with icing, the banana bread and cranberry bars have also been favourites. However, years ago I made a decision to stop this bad habit. It wasn’t aligned with what I wanted for my body and it also wasn’t aligned with my financial goals. And so this is a small example of how you can honour your body and your being, by making decisions that reflect your goals. It really can be as simple as recognizing a behaviour you want to change and just deciding to do it. I think sometimes we’re in conflict with ourselves and think “I deserve a treat!” And we justify something that we actually don’t want for ourselves. But then there’s reality. Which is that there are so many pleasures to indulge in and we do deserve to live a rich and abundant life. And so do treat yourself occasionally. But decide what feels in alignment for you. And then make that choice without the judgement or guilt that may have come from getting that white flour white sugar treat.
I wrote the above 4 years ago and never posted it? See how sometimes our inner critic can hold us back? Publishing now and if you happen upon this message, you were meant to hear this!!!
Wishing you peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health, love and abundance.
Sandy xo