Don't Rush Time
I was scrolling through my facebook feed last night and I came across a post that really bothered me.
It was an image of a mom kicking her child to the bus with a caption that said “It’s Almost That Time….”
Someone even commented “Can’t Wait”.
Even some of my neighbours have made comments about this very idea…that they cannot wait to have their children gone and out of the house in just a couple of weeks. I bite my tounge every time. I don’t want to be judgy mom or the mom that constantly shares my perspective with those who don’t really want to hear it. But here on my blog, it’s my safe space and I just want to remind parents out there…
Don’t rush this time.
Our children are only young once.
Embrace the incredible AND the messy.
Join me in wishing that we could slow these moments down.
Live in the moment.
In just a few years we’ll be wishing for this time back. These hot summer days of walking barefoot and running carelessly. We’ll wish them back for our kids and the memory never to fade for ourselves.
Don’t rush time.
Summer is still here right now. It’s not over and if we slow down and love the moments we have left before the kids are back in school, we might realize how much energy we actually have to handle it all.
Not judging, just saying.
Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.
Sandy xo
"What we think, we become." -Buddha