Let the Lesson Unfold

I’ve had an emotional day. I’m not prepared to go into detail (mostly because my eyes are tired of crying), but also because I choose not to give this any more energy. I will however, share something I read today that was exactly what I needed to hear. And I’ll share it here in case you could also use this powerful reminder.

Let The Lesson Reveal Itself To You

“What’s the next lesson?” I asked.

“If you knew what it was, you wouldn’t need to learn it,” he said.

Often, in the midst of a lesson or experience, we tighten our minds into knots trying to figure out what we’re learning, what’s coming next, what the lesson is really about.

But if we knew what the lesson was about, we wouldn’t need to be learning it.

The learning we’re doing on our spiritual path is often not possible from our heads or books. It’s a process of discovery; it includes many twists, turns, surprises, and upsets, much confusion, wondering, and stumbling until we reach a moment of clarity. To learn the lesson, we need to go through the experience. And usually we learn best when we’re a bit vulnerable and uncertain about what we’re learning.

Trust that the lesson will reveal itself to you when it’s time. Stay present for this moment. Let your experiences and guidance unfold. You’re evolving and learning and growing right now. When the transformation is complete, you’ll see what you’ve learned.

Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path. But the lesson to be learned is always ours.

Journey To The Heart (August 24th passage), Melody Beattie

Pretty powerful huh? Let’s remember to be patient with ourselves through this ever changing life. Let’s remember to be honest with ourselves too. And most of all be open to the learning and growing that we’re so fortunate to be able to experience when we’re being mindful and reflective and coming from a place of love.

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha

Sandy Jamieson