A Healthy Heart

This is a message for our hearts.

This topic is especially sensitive to me since my dad had a heart attack when I was 14 years old and I thought I was going to lose him. I had been out at a party and I had been drinking so when he called me to his bedroom, I was a bit annoyed. Then he said “I think I’m having a heart attack”.  It was so scary and I started to hyperventilate. He made his way down the stairs to our kitchen and called 911. I went in to panic mode and wasn’t able to help. And then he was in the hospital for a month. That was nearly 30 years ago now and I’m grateful that my dad is still here and doing well. But it was definitely scary.  

So - when I came across an article on foods that support heart health in this months ALIVE magazine I knew that I needed to share it with you. It's an important topic and we should all be introducing foods that are good for our hearts. By the way if you’ve never read ALIVE it’s my favourite magazine - and I got it free at my local health food store. 

This article is in honour of Valentine’s Day. And the idea isn’t to run out and buy all 15 foods. The idea is to listen, think about which foods you love and incorporate them into your daily routine.  Know that you’re choosing your health. And one step further would be giving gratitude for these foods and their health benefits as you eat them.  You can actually feel how good they are for you. 

Okay, so I'm going to summarize this article essentially.  There are 15 things.  But if you're intrigued to know more, go to your local health food store and pick up a copy of ALIVE.  They have a lot of great recipes for these ingredients as well.

1. Pomegranates. 

I LOVE pomegranates. If you’ve never tried them drizzled with sea salt, you must!! They're sooo good.  Plus they’re loaded with antioxidants, they help to fight inflammation and they decrease blood pressure. 

2 Pink/red grapefruit. 

I LOVE having grapefruit juiced.  I find them a lot less sour this way. There's so much vitamin Cin grapefruit.

3.  Apples

An apple a day actually can keep the cardiologist away! This is grounded in science! Keep the peel on and make sure if you’re slicing them to eat them right way to maintain all the nutrients.

4. Strawberries and raspberries

These little guys are antioxidant powerhouses!

5.  Cranberries

These are considered a Superfood! Add these to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and to reduce blood pressure. 

6.  Beets

I LOVE beets. Especially pickled beets. There always a favourite of mine when I go to dinner at my dads. They've got tons of essential nutrients and maybe even lower blood pressure. 

7.  Tomatoes.

You’ve heard of lycopene right? These are hailed as lycopene superstars and are beneficial for cardiovascular health and heart disease prevention. 

8.  Red snapper. 

I don’t know that I’ve ever had red snapper.  Well,  they are just as rich in omega 3 fatty acids as salmon. That means this fish is not only good for your heart health but also helps to manage blood pressure. 

9.  Salmon

Helps to lower blood your blood pressure...it reduces inflammation.  Salmon is good good for us. We should be eating two servings a week from the list of salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and tuna. 

10.  Red cherries.

Yes please. I remember going for a bike ride years ago and came across this enormous cherry tree. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Cherries are full of antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties AND they’re a natural source of melatonin which means they help us sleep!! This Momma will be adding cherries to this weeks groceries list.

11. Red Cabbage

So good for our heart.

12. Red Lentils

A legume that is rich in fiber.  Low on the glycemix index.  They're so good for stabilizing our blood sugar levels.

13. Red Potatoes

So much fiber and loaded with potassium.  Even more than bananas.

14.  Watermelon

Even though they are 90% water, they are a nutrient dense food.  So they have lycopene, even higher amounts than tomatoes.

15. Red Kidney Beans. 

Make a batch of chili this week!  Great for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Anyways, I hope that you review this list and add a few of these foods to your grocery list this week.  Try something new and help your heart.  And help the hearts of those you love.

Ending today with a simple quote...a Chinese proverb. "When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy".

Have a beautiful day!

Sandy xo

Sandy Jamieson