New Year, Same Me
Here we are...2021. A New Year and a time where lots of you are making New Years resolutions and promises of change. To work out more, stop eating junk food, get more sleep, or less Netflix binge watching. Well “New Year, New Me”, as the common saying goes, doesn’t really make sense to me. At least for myself, I’m happy with the person I am. Like really happy! And trust me, I’m not perfect! I believe that we are constantly learning and evolving. And we all have room for growth. But I don’t believe that we need to change who we are, necessarily.
I believe we can all make an effort to better ourselves. To dig deeper to knowing ourselves more. We shouldn’t feel the pressure of a New Year to make changes that we’ve promised ourselves before. And then feel like failures because we couldn’t commit. Life is about sustainability. And so “New Year, Same Me” really just means, for me, that I’m going to continue to ask myself what’s working and what’s not and make modifications as I go. And continue to do better and be better as a friend, a partner and a mom. Not because others expect that of me or because I’m trying to prove myself to others. But because that’s just who I am. So cheers to a New Year and the same wonderful person you are. With realistic expectations of yourself that you can sustain throughout the year and beyond :)
Wishing you all the things for 2021!! I want you to feel peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and passionate love.
Sandy xo