My holidays have officially started!! The only regret I have is not having prepped Bailey’s for my first day off morning coffee. Apparently there’s a dairy-free version that I’m all about trying! And what’s that old saying? “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere?” :)
Now you don’t need me to tell you that you should be relaxing and taking time for yourself this holiday season. You know that “me time” is crucial to your well-being. However, you may need to be reminded to do so, unapologetically. And that means that you’re not going to worry about what other people are thinking about you taking time off!! I guess I’m speaking mostly to entrepreneurs here, as we’re the ones who have a harder time with this. But know that the people you want to attract to your business and your life, are the people who want this time off for you too!! We can’t be all the things to all the people. But we can show up to be our best self for ourselves and for our families. So create space for yourself. Unwind. Recharge. Reflect. Reevaluate. Goal Set. Visualize. What does 2021 look like for you?
So while I’m sure I’ll be on social media from time to time, because let’s face it, it’s fun to get sucked in…I will be more mindful about my intention. And that’s to be intentional about living in the moment and being present with myself, my children and my boyfriend. And that’s in body and mind as often as I can come back to that. It’s normal for our minds to wander, but being aware that they are thoughts we can let go of, and by focussing on what’s in front of us, we can always come back to being present.
Wishing you all the things for 2021!! I want you to feel peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and passionate love.
Sandy xo