Accept What Is

I just clued in about something. 

I’ve been comparing my new life to my old life. Like a lot.

And that’s really silly of me since I know and believe in the quote “Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy”, by Theodore Roosevelt. It’s not an emotionally healthy place to be.

And while I wasn’t comparing myself to others (I know better than that), I was comparing the amount of money I used to make to the amount I am making now. Which is about 75% less. Crazy right?!

But I need to stop looking at it that way. It’s not crazy. Money is just a tool and it was exceptionally lucrative at the time. And for that I am grateful. The financial freedom gave me the strength, courage and means to change things in my life that weren’t working.

And so really, I don’t need the same amount of money I used to make. And even though I know this, I still find myself often comparing what is, to what was. 

And I know it’s time to let go of that completely. 

I know and accept where I currently am. 

A friend reached out the other day with this Bob Marley quote, “Some People Are So Poor, All They Have Is Money.”

And it came at the perfect time. It’s so true.

So it’s time I shift my focus to recognizing all the incredible gifts that are in my life. How incredible to have beautiful healthy children, two new fun places of employment that work around my diabetic daughters schedule…and I no longer feel an attachment to my job. I loved being a part of the synchronicity of working 6 days a week and knowing I was an integral part of the picture. But now I feel freedom. And that feels amazing. 

So I ask you to be honest with yourself. Do you compare your life to others? Or do you look at your current situation and wish you could go back in time to your past?

It’s okay to reminisce, but please don’t stay there. Don’t stay in a place of wishing for what was.

Accept where you are now and trust that life is unfolding for you the way it’s meant to. Look at all your gifts. Appreciate what you have.  The law of attraction states that you’ll attract more of the wonderful things in your life when you live in the present, remain positive and appreciate what you have. And trust me, I know that can be challenging if your reality has changed as drastically as mine.

But be patient with yourself and the process.  Find the good in your situation to bring more abundance to you. 

Because remember, you deserve the life you desire.


Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha

Sandy Jamieson