Posts tagged #lawofattraction
77. The Power Of Positive Thought

I’m a big believer in the power of a positive mindset. Positive thoughts partnered with belief can manifest some really incredible things. I’ve seen some real magic happen in my life!

A positive mindset or positive thinking is more than just looking at life with a positive attitude. It’s about the positive self talk.  What are you telling yourself? There are so many thoughts that run through our heads every minute of the day and what we believe matters!

76. A Playful Approach

One of the things that I do when things feel uncertain in my life or I don’t feel in alignment or I feel things are hard and out of my control, is I do a card reading.

I have a deck of angel tarot cards by Doreen Virtue that I’ve been using for about 10 years now and I absolutely love them. They provide me with insight, guidance, and answers and the reading that I did this morning was especially helpful.

For the past few months I’ve been dealing with...