Posts tagged #abundancemindset
49. Balancing With Baby

Less than a week ago a dear friend of mine posted a message on social media that got my attention and response. So I asked for her permission to share it with you because I believe the impact can be huge. Thanks Andrea for sharing a vulnerable moment that allows for a really great and important conversation.

Here’s what she wrote :

To all those women out there-mamas and busy women.. how do you take care of a baby (or many babes) and or fur babies, the house, your own business (or not), and have meals prepped then have dinner ready for the family!? ...

38. Live With Intention


This statement is printed on the front of one of my youngest daughters t-shirt's. She wore it today.   It was a hand-me-down from her big sister and one of my favourite treasures from The Gap.  The reason I love this is perhaps obvious.  I'm a huge fan of wearing a message that's positive and this one simple t-shirt hopefully made an impact on everyone who read it today. But in addition to that, it's about the powerful magic of intention. 


37. Music Unites

I was driving home from work a few nights ago listening to a radio station..the show was called jazzology. I didn't catch the name of the man being interviewed but he was asked to share music that made an impact on his life and he told a wonderful story leading up to a favourite piece called Laumeier Outro by Horace Bray. He commented that he chose the piece because it was so different from anything he had heard at the time. I pulled over to text my partner Deryk the name, mostly because I didn't want to forget it but also because I thought perhaps he'd be familiar with it. He messaged back laughing and called me a weirdo, which is pretty funny since he's the music nerd.  Anyways...