Posts tagged #Mindfulness
87. Turning A Negative Into A Positive

One morning this past week, one of the 4am mornings, I woke up exhausted. And when I wake up feeling this way, I’ll usually put a show on for the girls while I try and get another hour of sleep on the sofa. This particular morning I woke up to my youngest Quinn going through daddy’s wallet. I recall seeing it on the coffee table before lying down but didn’t really think anything of it. (In retrospect I don’t know why I didn’t move it. She’s pretty sneaky like I was at her age!)

So, as you can probably imagine...

19. Permission To Relax

Today I want to start by giving you permission to relax. Right now. Take a deep breath in, hold it for a count of 4 in your head and breathe it out through an open mouth. Ready?

Try it again and this time as you let it go, imagine too that any stress or worry that might be inside you is also released. This helps you to calm the mind chatter and relax your body. And this is a form of meditation. One of many short meditations that you can easily do to bring yourself back to being in the moment. To being mindful. Keep listening for more tips...