78. Sorted

I don’t know if you have the same feelings that I do about laundry, but for a very long time I felt overwhelmed by it.  Especially after having children where the amount of clothes almost tripled. Even after doing a podcast called Happiness Instead Of Overwhelm, where I shared that it’s our response to laundry that needs to change, or our response to anything that isn't working...and I did a really good job shifting the way I felt about doing laundry, but I still knew that having a laundry system that works for me and my family, would be my solution to finally feeling peace with the amount of clothes that pile up.

So for the most part I did change my response to laundry. I learned to let go of perfectly folded clothes and gosh back in the day I would overreact if it wasn’t folded straight away. Now it can sit for a few days and I’m okay with that!  It was when the piles of clothes kept getting washed and not folded and then not put away that I started to feel crazy!!  My partner Deryk used to think it was helpful to wash everything all at once, and I mean 4-5 loads at a time (sorry babe I don’t mean to throw you under the bus) and sometimes he even folded it all. But it wasn’t being put away. And not just when he washed our clothes, even when I did it.  And you know if you have kids that the clean clothes then end up on the floor and back in the laundry bin and get washed again, annoyingly and unnecessarily. And I don’t know why it was so hard to get the laundry put away. It seems so simple and really so silly.  And it only takes a few minutes. But it wasn't happening.  I think it was just the shear amount was so scary that it was actually easier to avoid it. But it certainly didn’t feel very peaceful. And especially with my love for Feng Shui and my knowledge that your home can impact your everyday life, I knew that it was necessary to strategize a better solution. 

Well now I feel like I have finally solved my laundry dilemma. I’ve created a system that works for me...and it has been consistently working for over a month now. And it’s so easy. I wash, fold and put away a load of laundry before I start the next load. I don’t have a day of the week I do it, I don’t aim to get it all done in a day, I just do one load from top to bottom. And it feels good! I feel accomplished. I feel a sense of control over the laundry.

The reality is that there will always be laundry to do. So get over that part and you’re well on your way to feeling the peace with laundry.