Zen Rules


1. Trust where you are. It’s happening this way for a reason. 

2. Believe in love. 

3. Believe in yourself and what you stand for. 

4. Choose kindness. Everyone deserves to be met without judgement. 

5. Visualize often. See your dreams come true in your mind and then head in that direction. 

6. Give gratitude daily. There is always something in your life to be grateful for. 

7. Surround yourself with the things and people you love. Look to them for inspiration often. 

8. Learn to let go. If you don’t love it, donate it to someone who will. 

9. Give often. What you give comes back.  This is one of the simplest ways to live in abundance. 

10. Put yourself first. When you take care of yourself, you have the energy and strength to take care of others. 

11. Exercise and eat healthy most of the time. Your health is important and when you have that, you have everything. 

12. Keep the chatter in your brain positive. Learn to recognize a negative thought and know that you have the power to choose happy thoughts instead. 

13. Move forward. The past is there for a reason. 

14. Make it a practice to be present and mindful. And when you find you’re not, come back to being present and mindful. 

15. Always be happy for others. They deserve to be happy and you’ll actually attract more happiness for yourself, too. 

16. The universe is on your side. Ask questions and look for signs. The answers will come when you’re open to receive them. 

17. Create a daily mantra, like this...”I am beautiful, I am strong, I am kind, I am smart, I am open to receiving, I am giving”.  Say it out loud in front of the mirror and smile at yourself when you do. 

18. Check in with yourself often. When you can ask yourself “Who am I?” and know the answer, you know you’re doing okay. 

19. Spend time with animals or own a dog if you can. They bring so much joy to your life. 

20. It’s okay to say no. Say yes to the things that you really want to do. 

21. Give gratitude for time and money and you will always have time and money. 

22. Know that you’re beautiful. If someone tells you otherwise that’s their opinion. You know better. 

23. Choose experiences over material objects. 

24. Put your phone down often. Engage with people fully and completely. 

25. Put aside time to read every week. Choose books that will help you grow. 

26. Always be open to learning new things. You might know a lot but you don’t know it all.  

27. Learn to cook and learn to love it. Food nourishes your mind, body and soul. 

28. Always think about what you can do for others to make their life easier. 

29. Spend a few minutes every day tidying your space. Letting go of clutter and keeping things tidy is good for your mental space. 

30. Know that your mind will tell you to stop before you are physically able to. Keep going. Because you can. 

31. Set goals often. And celebrate each one that you reach. 

32. There may be noise, there may be trouble and it might be hard work. But you can always find the peace with a calm heart. 

33. Surround yourself with music often. Really listen and let it move you. 

34. Don’t react. Take a moment to respond. 

35. Be clear on what you want. And if you’re confused, take time to figure it out. 

36. Learn to use tools. And take pride in the things you fix. 

37. Learn to ask for help and accept help when it’s offered. You’re amazing and can probably do it all by yourself...but you’re not meant to. 

38. Take time every day to sit quietly and meditate. It will deepen your inner focus, slow your breath and remind you of the strength that lives within you. 

39. Learn balance. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing. 

40. Have the courage to try and always ask questions. You’re never expected to know before trying something for the first time. 

41. Be patient with yourself. And know that the reward for patience is patience. 

42. Spend time in nature as often as you can. Sometimes a hike is all you need to put life into perspective. 

43. Do what makes you feel good. Unless it’s harmful to yourself or others. 

44. Choose natural over artificial every time. From sugar to breasts. 

45. Don’t aim for perfect. Know that you’re perfect right now.  Do your best and know that’s always enough. 

46. Know you are capable of anything. 

47. Live in it as long as you need to but get out of it as soon as you can. 

48. Know that you are so very loved and so very special. 

49. Don't compare yourself to others. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. 

50. If someone looks great, tell them! That simple compliment could be the best part of their day. Plus it lifts you both up! 

51. Dream, Wish, Do. Repeat. 

Sandy Jamieson