Tiny Rainbows
I’m standing in my dining room with the curtains drawn closed and the sun beaming in is casting little rainbows all over my walls. It’s so beautiful. And it’s so crazy because I had just decided to write about my experience with rainbows and how I’ve seen one nearly every day since my breakup.
Now the rainbows are being created by a wind chime that hangs on my back sliding door and it’s not new, but this is a new spot for it. I moved a few things around since the breakup to create some fresh energy in my space. And I didn’t know at the time that it would result in such a spectacular way.
To me this is a pretty clear sign that I’m on the right track.
Have you ever looked for a sign that you’re on the right path? I’m constantly asking questions. When we ask and listen, the answers do come to us. But not always in a way that we might expect.
Do you ever find dimes? This is one of my favourite signs. To me this is a bit more personal and means that someone I love whose passed on is sending a reminder that I’m doing just fine.
What about feathers? For me it’s those little white feathers that show up out of nowhere. I always smile when I find a feather. Again a reminder to trust that life is unfolding exactly as it’s supposed to.
How about numbers? What does it mean if you keep seeing 11:11 when you look at the clock? Take this as a really good sign! Another reminder that you’re on the right path and you’re aligned with your soul’s purpose.
What signs do you see?
What reveals itself to you to remind you that you’re doing just fine? I’d love to hear!
If you’re new to seeing signs, try asking for one. Simply say, “show me a sign”, and then believe that you’ll see one. You can say it out loud or even in your head…to the universe, to god, to your angels…and then watch the magic unfold.
Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.
Sandy xo
“What we think, we become.” - Buddha