Receive With Love
I had a conversation with a coworker recently about Christmas and how she loves to give but not receive. And I know how she feels! It took me a long time to learn to receive...not just gifts but acts of service as well. That was a big one!! In fact I did a podcast last year around this same time of year and I shared about a time when I was pushing a grocery cart and pulling along a stroller at the same time and someone offered to help me and I declined. I clearly needed the help and why I was so reluctant to accept it really came down to me realizing and valuing my self worth. Which was not something I was ready to learn at that time. I’m a work in progress. We all are. Heck we’re not meant to be perfect. But we’re here to learn and grow. And I feel lucky to have since learned how to receive.
And so I wanted to remind everyone listening that opening up to receiving allows us to receive all of the abundance the universe has to offer.
I often find in conversations with people about this topic it needs explaining. So let me try to explain it to you. Do you love to give? I know I do. I love finding the perfect present that I know someone will love. I don’t love shopping from a wish list, I believe that gifts from the heart come from knowing someone and paying attention to the details. I love to give from this place. And I love to receive from this place of love as well.
But sometimes the receiver receives this gift bought with so much love with reluctance. Because they feel that they’re not worthy of such a gift, or because they didn’t spend as much money or they didn’t buy a gift in return. If this speaks to you, whatever your reason is, I want to encourage you to be mindful about how receiving makes you feel. This is an important step so you can begin to ask yourself some important questions.
You can learn to receive with love.
If it was bought with love, shouldn't it be received with love?
For me I can remember always feeling like I didn’t expect anyone to go out of their way for me. And since learning to receive, I realized that when you accept gifts given from the heart, it feels amazing.
I just celebrated my 42nd birthday in November and my coworkers made a big deal which was so thoughtful. The baker made me a beautiful and delicious raw pie, I received organic dried blueberries and cherries and a recipe organizer, a book on happiness and a mug in my favourite colour that says INSPIRE with a message that said “you’ve changed my life and inspire me”. And even a gift card to one of my favourite stores. These gifts came with so much thought, time and love and I was so grateful and surprised at receiving so many beautiful gifts. But I also knew that I deserved them. We all deserve the beautiful abundance the universe has to offer and this is one of the ways we receive those gifts. I was open to receive them all and a month later I’m still blown away by their kindness.
I recall the last time I did a podcast on learning to receive I declared that 2017 would be a year of abundance and receiving. And wow. What an incredible year it’s been. I feel so much security in all aspects of my life, especially financially, and I’ll continue to keep the door wide open to receiving whatever the universe wants to send my way. It’s been magical and transformative and I can’t wait to see what 2018 holds.
So, if you find you have a hard time receiving, I’d like to ask you to try this Christmas season to receive your gifts with a genuine thank you. You deserve to have the wonderful people in your life share wonderful things with you. When you receive something, and your brain tells you you’re not worthy or whatever negative thought comes up, simple tell yourself “I deserve this”. And so this over and over in your mind until you start to believe it. Remember you’re so loved and there are people who care so much about you. Be open to receiving their gifts and open the door to so much more. Trust me.
Next week I’ll be talking about how to attract more money so make sure to subscribe to my podcast at to get it directly delivered to your inbox!