Gut Health

I recently had a gut microbiome test done. It was suggested by my holistic nutritionist (I love you Marissa!!) and is the most incredible thing I’ve done for my health journey to date.

Here’s why.

I eat healthy. And I’ve eaten whole and healthy foods for almost 2 decades. What I just found out is, hemp hearts don’t actually work for my body.

But here’s something alarming that I learned a couple of years ago…when hemp hearts are heated, the fat becomes rancid and can become carcinogenic. Isn’t that crazy!? I don’t think enough people know this! (And thanks to my holistic nutritionist friend, Anna for confirming that!!)

I had been baking them into my sweet potato muffins and adding them to my pineapple oat pancakes for years!! Yikes.

For almost 10 years I had eczema on my hands and neck so bad that my neighbour friend finally insisted that I use cortisone cream to clear it up. So I did, (against my belief system but I’m learning to have balance) and it totally cleared up!

And it only flared up again when I ate a few pieces of seed bread. Which had hemp hearts. Sigh.

I’ve finally come full circle.

I finally found the root of my inflammation.

I was never able to pinpoint the trigger.

And now since the VIOME test (Gut microbiome test done by stool sample), I have a list of 5 things that I should be avoiding AND a list of all of my superfoods. How amazing is that!?

Test your gut microbiome even if just to know what foods will help you to thrive!!

Less than $200. You’re worth it.

And I have zero affiliation. Just a happy healed soul ;)

Wishing you peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

“What we think, we become." -Buddha