Closet Feng Shui

About a year ago, a girlfriend of mine was over and we did a little tour of my closet. I was looking for a more efficient way to organize it, I share a walk-in closet with my partner Deryk, and she had recently created a video to help women sort through their clothes for a more organized space. 

So she was just the friend to ask for help!

She recommended using the space more efficiently by adding baskets to the top shelf, and luckily I had three matching grey cloth bins that I used to use under my daughters crib that weren’t being used. So I put those up there and organized some of my things. And they look perfect and beautiful and keep the top shelf really clean and organized. 

Next was the issue of clothes for donation. I sort through my clothes often, as well as my girls clothes since they’re growing like weeds, and I was constantly creating piles in various spots. My girlfriend recommended using my suitcase for this, as it was already in my closet and not being used.  So I put it on its side the second shelf and I keep it unzipped and just slip things in as they come up.


This has been the biggest game changer for keeping my closet organized. I had another girlfriend over recently and when she saw my suitcase used in this way she said that I had to share this idea on a podcast. She loves this idea so much she told her mom and her friends and swears it’s the most brilliant closet organizing trick yet. 

Then I got inspired to do more. So I took a toy bin organizer and lifted it up onto the shelf next to my suitcase. Usually when I buy things for my girls I choose neutral colours. This makes it super easy to reuse or repurpose things. Not that I don’t love pink but dark wood is definitely much easier to work with. And Deryk probably prefers it also.  So I store my hair dryer in one, I keep my bras in another, brushes are organized here, I have clutches and small purses in another.  And when I empty my gym bag, I use a bin to store my gym stuff. Everything has a home and is in its place. This is an important part of Feng Shui and I believe having this organized space allows me to think clearer. And that applies to all areas of my life. 

Then I made my closet space more personal. I had a framed 30x40 inch family photo in black and white that I needed a new home for and I put that on my third shelf along with a neck bust for hanging necklaces and a large navy and white bag that I use for holding my scarves. I used to work for an accessories company and while I let go of most of my things, I kept some scarves and I drape them just over the edge for accessibility...and because they’re just so pretty. 

Anyways I love my closet and I hope these ideas inspire you to revisit your closet and make some space for new things to come into your life. You really do deserve to love everything in your closet. And it doesn’t have to cost anything. Most of the time we have everything that we need!

We just need to look at what we have from a new perspective and put a plan into action! 

Good Luck!

Sandy xo