A Co-Parenting Christmas

Can you believe it’s December already? We have essentially three weeks of planning and prep to do before Christmas Eve arrives…and if you’re a parent like I am, you’re probably also balancing all that with a shelf elf or maybe a fancy wooden advent calender that magically gives your children a treat for 24 consecutive days. (Thanks Dad!) Yes it may be a lot but I also love it. The look of awe and wonder make it all worthwhile.

Now this year we have a new family dynamic. This is the girls first Christmas with mommy and daddy in two different homes. Instead of choosing to focus on the fact that it’s an emotional time of year and may be difficult, I’m focusing on how amazing it will be. Our plan involves sharing our time so that the kids have the best Christmas possible.

I know our story is lucky, and I do hope that if you’re a single parent, you’re able to amicably spend the holidays working together. (If you celebrate, that is!) I say lucky because my family celebrates on Christmas Eve and my ex celebrates on the 25th. So, even though I love love love Christmas mornings with my girls, (even though they often start at 5am!), I am dropping them off at their dads to have a sleepover and Christmas morning with him. And me? I’ll. Sleep. In. Then they’ll stay for a couple of days and we’ll do our gifts from Santa when they come back.

Honestly…it doesn’t matter to me that I won’t see them Christmas Day. I believe in my heart that every day can be beautiful and amazing and I choose to focus my energy and attention on what I’m grateful for. It will still be just as magical a few days later. What matters most to me is that my girls are happy. But I also believe that means creating sustainable new holiday traditions. Not one of getting together for Christmas morning for the sake of the kids, but one of honesty and forward momentum. I want them to know this is their new normal. And maybe one of these Christmases a significant other will be introduced. On one or both sides. And so for our first Christmas as co-parents, I think choosing to spend the holidays separately is realistic and smart.

Whatever your story, I hope you’ll think with love above all else.

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha