Trust Your Body

On Sunday evening after putting the girls to bed, I laid down to rest. It had been a fun weekend with a late night birthday party Saturday night and an early Sunday morning full of snow play; first with the dog park and then tobogganing. While we stayed home and cozy the rest of the day, by 7:30pm we were all  exhausted. So I set an alarm for 8:45 and fell asleep. I set the alarm for two reasons. One, to check on my youngest daughter (roughly 3 hours after her last insulin dose) and because Sunday evenings are the night I create space to write my blog.  I got up to check Quinn and then went straight back to bed. I can’t remember the last time I went to bed so early!  But I also believe in trusting my body, and my body was not up for writing.

I also believe in doing so unapologetically.  Meaning I felt no pressure to get on to social media to explain why I wasn’t writing.  Nor did I feel guilty or compelled to send out a letter to my mailing list to explain why they would not see a blog post in their inbox Monday morning. I think sometimes we worry about what others will think if we’re not following through on something we usually do. We don’t need anyone’s permission to take time off, regardless of the duration.  And I know the importance of keeping my word to myself, but I also know the value of being flexible and honest and real.

And so, this is a gentle reminder to you to trust your body. If there’s something you regularly do, or even if there’s something you have planned and it doesn’t feel right in that moment you planned, step away. And come back when it feels right. With the energy and the gumption and passion that you intended. 

Wishing you peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and passionate love.

Sandy xo

Sandy Jamieson