Do The Things

I have this picture that I love hanging above my favourite chair. I found it downtown last October... I can recall the marvel of Halloween costumes and lineups and the laughter of my children, while enjoying the community event with a dear friend and her daughter. And that’s where I fell in love with this picture, hanging in the window of an art studio. It says “And into the forest I go. To lose my mind and find my soul.”  It spoke to me and I bought it straight away. It was a piece of art that to me signified positive change toward authenticity. I’ve loved it in my space, but the mistake I made was bringing it home and hanging it on the existing nail from the previous picture. Have you ever done that?! For months I have been looking at my favourite picture above my favourite chair thinking that it needed to be lowered a few inches. Well today, I finally did it. And it took me all of 30 seconds. 30 seconds! That’s it! And I love it. It’s perfect.

So this is a short and sweet story to remind you to Do The Things! Something so little didn’t need to be procrastinated for sooo long.  It wasn’t high on my priority list, so it just wasn’t getting done! But can you guess what happened when I did it? I felt inspired to keep going! That one little change felt so good that I did a deep clean on my fish tank (now it sparkles!), cleaned the kids toilet (no you don’t have to do them all the same day!), mowed the front lawn and the neighbours lawn, vacuumed the living room, organized recycling and compost AND sat down and painted with my girls.  And instead of feeling exhausted, I feel great. I feel accomplished and proud. No I didn’t spend the entire day playing with my girls, but I don’t feel guilty for that. I am showing them what it takes to care for a home. And while I took care of things, they played together. They rode their bikes and played basketball while we were outside and they played nicely in the basement when I asked for some time to take care of things inside.  They also helped me with the dishes and their laundry. We worked together as a team and I thanked them for their time.

Do the things.

Take the action.

Feel the peace ;)

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha

Sandy Jamieson