68. Set Yourself Up For Success

I am not an expert. And really, I don’t even know the best way to do things. (Although sometimes I think I know!)  What I do know for sure is that...

67. Teaching Kindness

You know it’s actually quite surprising to me that we need to teach kindness to children. At least I do. I have to constantly remind my two little girls to be kind to one another. And when I remind them, I have to be mindful of how I’m redirecting them and that I’m being kind when I do.  Instead of reacting with frustration, which can totally happen when we’re exhausted or when we’re tired of reminding them again and again. Also something crazy I just learned from my partner Deryk is that 3 year old's ask an average of 300-400 questions per day!!  So it’s totally normal if you feel as crazy as I do.

For example earlier this week the girls were playing...


66. Looking For Inspiration

I’ve recently made some changes to my diet. And because of those changes we’ve been doing a lot of ordering in...which is pretty uncharacteristic for us.  But I haven’t been feeling very inspired to cook lately. I found out things I believed to be healthy weren’t always healthy and that left me feeling like I didn’t really know what to make anymore. Plus with two kids...

65. Letting Go

I think it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s okay to let something go if we need to. Without explanation. We need to honor how we’re feeling first and show up when we can be authentic and genuine without expectation. Expectation is the wrong way to do things...

64. Secrets To Living A Balanced Life

I think I define balance a little differently than most people.  To me, balance is not about making everything equal and it’s not reaching a final destination. It’s about balancing the things you have going on in your life and giving the required time needed on a consistent basis so that you feel like you have a handle on your life. So you don’t feel overwhelmed constantly. So you can feel peaceful and calm. Doesn’t that sound amazing? You have to make time for finding balance. It’s a habit and it’s a process and takes ongoing work. But it’s possible!!

63. A Healthy Heart

This is a podcast for our hearts. This topic is especially sensitive to me since my dad had a heart attack when I was 14 years old and I thought I was going to lose him. I had been out at a party and had been drinking so when he called me to his bedroom I was a bit annoyed. Then he said “I think I’m having a heart attack”.  It was so scary and I started to hyperventilate. He made his way down the stairs to our kitchen and called 911. I went in to panic mode and wasn’t able to help. And then he was in the hospital for a month. That was nearly 30 years ago now and I’m grateful that my dad is still here and doing well.

So when I came across an article on foods that support heart health in this months ALIVE magazine I knew I needed to share it with you...

62. Keep The Love Alive

So, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to touch on something pretty important. It’s about keeping the love alive in your relationship. Now, if you don’t have a significant other and would like one, I have some tips for you also. So keep listening...


61. Finding Your Authentic Self

How do you find your authentic self?

This is a really interesting topic.  To be your authentic self you need the courage to go within and the willingness to get to know your true self. And that can take some work but it’s truly worth it and you deserve to invest that time in yourself.

So, start thinking about your life and take the time to reflect on what’s working and what you would like to change. Listen to your heart. Ask yourself some questions...

60. Journey To The Heart

I received a book as a gift, that I am absolutely in love with.  "Journey To The Heart - Daily Meditations On The Path To Freeing Your Soul." By Melody Beattie.
This book is about discovering who you are. It’s about finding peace and healing...about stepping into your power. And,  what I especially love..

59. Look Younger And Live Longer

Do you want to know the secret to looking younger and living longer?

Male or female, regardless of your age...I know the secret and I’m going to share it with you.

And actually, the secret is not a secret at all. It’s common sense that these two things I’m going to share with you will help you to live a longer and more youthful life...