It’s Not Your Shit

I had a conversation with a girlfriend last week about how even though I know not to let the negative opinions of others impact me, I still recognized that I’d taken a step back from writing. 

I’ve been sitting in a funny space since my sister told me that she doesn’t believe in my teachings. AND that was just one of many hurtful things she said. Which was super hard to go through EVEN though I didn’t believe a word of it. I recognized that it was more about her than me, and that she didn’t really know me at all. I think that was the hardest part to come to terms with. You know, I used to pretend that my parents divorce didn’t bother me at all. But a couple of years ago I finally understood that it did. My sister and I essentially divorced that day too. I learned to depend on myself. I didn’t need anyone. But over the years and through my journey of strength, truth and self love, I healed. I’ve learned to let people in to know my heart.  She was one of them and I was excited to explore that relationship. But I recognize that it’s a relationship I need to let go of. Instead I’ll focus on my girls and strengthening their bond. Because really, that’s the best thing I can do.

No matter how hard she tried to bring me down, I know who I am. And no one has more power than we do. No one can decide how we feel. We choose that. I know I am kind and strong and my intentions are pure. I know that my positive mindset is not a coping mechanism - but a tool to manifest abundance. I know that I share my strategies with others and see the remarkable life changes that they are able to make. I know that speaking positive affirmations and visualizing what we want can manifest dreams. I am proof.  I am living the most beautiful and harmonious life and it’s way better than I imagined. And my girls are so happy. They have lots of people who love them and they are thriving. I am grateful every day for a life I love. I have a career that encourages me to explore my creativity and passions and I have a special man who consistently motivates and inspires me. We take care of each other. In all the ways. I have transformed my life in a year because I made hard choices on behalf of my girls and I.  I lost friends and family in the process.  But I’m okay. I can’t entertain the drama. That’s not about us at all. It’s about other people needing to figure their shit out. 

Bottom line...

Don’t let others stop you from your potential.  Be mindful of their words and reflect on them for sure, but don’t let them stop you from “doing”. Take whatever time you need, and then let go. If their words have any power, let them motivate you instead. To becoming the best version of you!! Don’t feel hate for them, it doesn’t help you!!  Try just to feel love and trust the process.

Now go be amazing! :)

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

Sandy Jamieson