Be Open To Opportunity

The world around us is continuing to change. School is now out for the summer and what used to be normal for us is now undefined. I know each of our stories are so different. Some of you are thriving and saving money, some of you are struggling to manage it all and some of you are continuing to work and still feel scared. Others are returning to a new work environment that looks nothing like it used to and some of us are still collecting money from the government and are either making decisions about how life will unfold from here or waiting patiently for life to resume. 

Whatever scenario you’re in, I do hope you’ll remember that there is opportunity everywhere. And that life is beautiful.

You’ve perhaps heard this quote by a Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “Change is the only constant in life.”  It’s one I paraphrase often.  

The only thing constant in life, IS change. 

And when we become comfortable with that knowledge, we can relax a little more.  And we can begin to trust that the way things are unfolding actually present a gift. A new way to live or a new career path. A new passion perhaps is emerging. 

You may be in a place of confusion. And that’s okay!  That’s where I fit in. I don’t know what my future is going to look like. The restaurant industry won’t look the same when it reopens. But I also know I don’t have to make any big decisions right now.  

Right now I’m asking myself important questions about what I love to do. I believe and trust that opportunities are presenting themselves to me as I remain open and honest with myself. I’m deep breathing, I’m taking the time to sit quietly with myself and reflect. And I’m listening to what my body needs and what makes my heart happy. 

One of the affirmations I say daily is “I am open to receiving.”  Positive affirmations are a big part of my day and I take time to stand tall with my feet grounded and stretch my arms tall and then open them wide, as if to receive. And I feel gratitude in that moment.  Perhaps that’s a practice you can add to your day if you are also feeling uncertain or just need a reminder that the universe is on your side. 

Opportunity is all around us when we’re open to seeing it. Change doesn’t have to be scary. It can be exciting. So be grateful for your ability to adapt...for your patience and resilience and be open to receive the opportunity that’s perhaps presenting itself right now.  You deserve to live a beautiful life. And if there’s ever been a time for change, this is it!

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha

Sandy Jamieson