Peace On Earth
If I could have one answered wish for Christmas, it would be to have peace on earth. I know, I know. It’s a big ask. Especially at a time where the whole world is experiencing a pandemic.
But I believe peace on earth starts with us. What’s within us...what’s in our hearts. That’s where I believe the peace is.
Peace doesn’t mean to live in a world without challenges or chaos. I’m a single mother with two young girls, one is diabetic. We all have our struggles. I believe to live with peace means to live in a world where we all know how strong we are. And how capable we are at overcoming any obstacle that comes our way. Peace doesn’t mean to live in a world without hardships. But to come to a place within ourselves where we can feel contentment and trust what’s happening around us will benefit us someday, somehow.
One of the best ways I know to feel peace, is to take time alone. When you’re comfortable with your own company, you can begin to listen deeply to your desires and you’re more able to see the truth of a situation. Time alone can include journaling...a walk in nature...meditation. Really anything that slows you down long enough to listen to what makes you happy. And if things come up for you that feel uncomfortable, take time to sit with that too. Ask questions. And make time for healing.
All I truly want for Christmas is for you to be happy. And when you feel at peace in your heart, you’re better equipped to handle life. And when you’re better equipped, and the things come up that would normally send you spiralling, you can take a deep breath and respond accordingly. Without harshly reacting. Just respond with trust that the universe is on your side ;)
Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
Isn’t that such a lovely thought? To feel harmony around us? To feel love for everyone? If we all shifted our focus to gratitude and gave energy to the things we want out of life, I believe we all could live consistently with peace in our hearts.
So even if we can’t be with our families for Christmas or even if we have conflict with someone in our lives…we can still feel the peace that we create for ourselves.
Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.
Sandy xo
"What we think, we become." -Buddha