Living Well

On Tuesdays I roll adaptogenic balls (the most delicious energy balls you’ve ever tasted!) on a farm with my girlfriend Marissa. She’s a holistic nutritionist, and I feel so grateful to spend the day with her. We’re in a little cottage kitchen in the forest and we love preparing healthy food for our community. It’s something that fills our hearts and souls, and really is a break from the fast paced world we live in. 

And so we have 7 hours together. And we talk about all the things. We catch up about our children and our families, we talk about nutrition and the recipes we want to try or successful meals we’ve created, we discuss exercise and making time and showing up for ourselves. And really we both believe in creating balance and living well...and so making the choices for ourselves and our families to do the things that will create the lifestyle that’s so important to us. 

Now through these conversations, she has shared with me one of the struggles of her business. And that’s the focus that a lot of her clients have on weight loss. And that became an interesting topic for us to discuss. Because I certainly don’t mindfully focus on weight loss and I’ve never counted calories. I believe in eating whole foods and a variety of foods for optimal health. But I do have a weight cut off. Meaning that if I reach a certain weight on the scale, I know it’s time to make some changes. And so that number system that I use, for my nutritionist friend, raised a bit of a red flag.  Which is interesting. I never thought I was focussed on weight loss, but this is a little indication otherwise. I just know personally that I like to feel good in my body and feel good in my clothes.  But I will aim to let go of the number and just enjoy the journey more. (And truthfully I only hit that “number” when I came home from South Korea for my sisters wedding and couldn’t fit my bridesmaid dress over my thighs. But I vowed never to go back to that feeling!)

One thing that she told me that I want you to hear is that she wishes more people would just focus on living well. That weight loss is a byproduct of living well. And so if more people could understand this and take the pressure off of themselves to lose weight and make more healthy lifestyle choices instead, they would actually lose the weight naturally. So I’m telling you to tell a friend. If you know someone struggling and willing to think differently about weight loss, share this concept with them...and then reach out for my friends info?  

Living well is a choice. At least I believe it is. I make decisions every day on behalf of myself and my children to live a balanced and happy life. And I focus on nutrition and exercise. For strength and energy, mental clarity and overall wellbeing.  And hey, fitting into my pre baby jeans is one heck of a bonus ;)

Wishing you more peace, balance, happiness, vibrant health and lasting love.

Sandy xo

"What we think, we become." -Buddha

Sandy Jamieson